Don’t Let Cyber Issues Close Your Business
The use of technology is developing faster than it has ever before. With more companies marketing online and securing sensitive data digitally, the cyber threats and attacks have increased drastically.
Big and small businesses are at risk of these attacks. Skilled hackers can quickly gain access to your customer names and contact information, along with your employees’ social security numbers. On top of this release of information, the hacker can disable your website and payments, so that your business grinds to a halt, as well as losing the trust of associates.
On a smaller scale, a visitor to the website can leave offensive or inappropriate comments on a forum. This can lead to a ruined reputation, disconnecting your website, and potentially a lengthy legal case. As this is your website, you can be held responsible for maintaining the content.
As most companies do not have a risk management team, maintaining reliable insurance is imperative. To receive quality Cyber Liability Insurance in California for your business, contact ISU Stanton today! Our insurance policies provide the protection of data on websites as well as client, vendor, and employee information.